Congratulations on your new puppy! Check out our line-up of the best girl dog names around. The name you choose for your dog will accompany her through her life. Choose one of our great female puppy names for your new companion. Find a name for any female pup that you'll be proud to call in a crowded park. Listed below are puppy names for girl dogs of all breeds, sizes, shapes and dispositions. Whether yours is a teacup breed a giant breed or in between you'll be able to find the perfect name for your girl puppy here..
A ~ Female Dog Names
- Abby
- Akira
- Amber
- Angel
- Ariel
- Arlen ~ Promise
- Aspen
- Athena
- Aurora
- Avalon
- Avery
- Avis
B ~ Female Dog Names
- BaBa
- Bailey
- Baha
- Bali
- Beauty
- Bella
- Bertha
- Bitsy
- Bizzy
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Bon Bon
- BooBoo
- Boots
- Bora
- Bossy
- Brandy
- Brandywine
- Brassy
- Brittany
- Brownie
- Bubbles
- Bunny
- Butterball
- Buttercup
- Buttermilk
- Butterscotch
- Bunzie
C ~ Female Dog Names
- C.C.
- Cabo
- Cairo
- Cajun
- Calypso
- Cameo
- Caper
- Cara
- Cassidy or Cassie
- Cayenne
- Chablis
- Chalet
- Chambray
- Chanel
- Chaos
- Charmer
- Chaya
- Checkers
- Cheddar
- Cherub
- Chewy
- Chianti
- Chiclet
- Chima
- Chiquita
- Chivas
- Chloe
- Chutney
- Cimmaron
- Cinder
- Cinnamon
- Cleo
- Clipper
- Cootie
- Corky
- Cricket
- Crocus
- Crumpet
- Cuddles
- Curly
D ~ Female Dog Names
- Daquiri
- Damsel
- Danube
- Daphne
- Darby
- Dazzle
- Deeogee ~ (DOG)
- Delta
- Dew Drop
- DiDi
- Dishes
- Deefer ~ (D fer Dog)
- Diva
- Dixie
- Dizzy
- Drizzle
- Doodle
- Dubonnet
- Duchess
- Dumpling
E ~ Female Dog Names
- Ebony
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Elsa
- Elvira
- Emerald
- Entity
- Eon
- Epic
- Esprit
- Espresso
F ~ Female Dog Names
- Fable
- Fajita
- Fancy
- Fennel
- FiFi
- Fiji
- Fluffy
- Flurry
- Foxie
- Freckles
- Freeway
- Frisky
- Fuddles
- Furball
- Furface
- Fuzzie
- Fuzzle
G ~ Girl Dog Names
- Gaelic
- Garbo
- Geisha
- Genie
- Gertie
- Giddy
- Gidget
- GiGi
- Ginger
- Gizmo
- Goldie
- Gracie
- Grazie
- Grenia
- Gumball
- Gumby
- Gumpie
- Gussy
- Gypsy
H ~ Girl Dog Names
- Hacki
- Happy
- Harmony
- Havana
- Heaven
- Hershey or Hershi
- Holly
- Hot Dog
- Hubba
- Huntress
I ~ Girl Dog Names
- Iggy
- Inca
- India
- Indigo
- Inky
- Isis
- Ivy
J ~ Girl Dog Names
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Jazz or Jazzie
- Jelly Bean
- Jewel
- Jerky
- Jigsaw
- Jinx or Jinxy
- Jolie
- Jordan
- Julep
- Junia - Female apostle of Jesus
- Juno
- Jumna - River in India
- Justine - Justice
K ~ Girl Dog Names
- Kaba
- Kahlua
- Kala
- Kali
- Kama - Hindu God of Love
- Karma
- Kariba
- Kayley
- Keeda
- Keely
- Keepers
- Kenda
- Kenya
- Kewpie
- Kiara
- Kia
- Kiva
- Kismet
- Kona - Woman (Hawaiian)
- Kobi
- Koda
- KoKo
- Kuda
- Kyra
L ~ Girl Dog Names
- Lacey
- Lady
- Lashes
- Lassie
- Lani
- Lara
- Lava
- Lexi or Lexus
- Leda - Mother to Helen of Troy
- Letty
- Limbo
- Lippy
- Lira
- Lolita
- Lolly
- Loony
- Lotus
- Lucia
- Lucy
- Lulu
M ~ Female Dog Names
- Madame
- Madonna - My Lady
- Maggie
- Magic
- Magda
- Magnet
- Mai Tai
- Mali
- Malta - Island in the Mediterranean
- Mamba
- Marmalade
- Manners
- Marble
- Marigold
- Mateus
- Maxie
- Maya
- Mayhem
- Meadow
- Medea - A sorceress in Greek mythology
- Medusa _ Snake haired lady of Greek mythology
- Megan
- Melba
- Mellow
- Mercedes
- Midget
- Midnight
- Misha
- Misty
- MoJo
- Moonshine
- Morgan ~ Of the Coast (Welsh)
- Moxie
- Muffin
- Mumbles
- Mystique
- Myth
N ~ Female Dog Names
- Nacho
- Nectar
- Neon
- Newt
- Nibbles
- Niblet
- Nickleby
- Nifty
- Nika
- Nokomos
- Nova - Brightening star
- Nugget - Great name for "golden" dogs
- Nutmeg
- Nuzzle
- Nymph
O ~ Female Dog Names
- Oahu
- Oatmeal
- Ochre
- Odyssey
- Onyx
- Opal
- Orbit
- Orchid
- Oreo - Good name for a black & white dog.
- Ouzo
- Ozone
P ~ Female Dog Names
- PJ
- Paisley
- Paloma - Dove
- Panache - Flair
- Paris
- Parma - Italian city
- Paragon
- Pastel
- Patches
- Peaches
- Pearl
- Pepper
- Perla
- Pesto
- Pickles
- Piper
- Pixie
- Poet
- Puddin'head
- Pygmy
Q ~ Female Dog Names
- Quartz
- Queeny
- Quinn
- Quirky
R ~ Female Dog Names
- Racine - US City
- Ragmop
- Rags
- Raindrop or Rain
- Rani - Name for the wife of a hindu prince
- Raven
- Remy
- Reseda
- Reva
- Rexy
- Ria
- Ribbons
- Rimme
- Rosebud or Rosie
- Rosa
- Ruby
- Rumor
- Rym
S ~ Female Puppy Names
- Sabbath
- Sable
- Sara
- Sadie
- Sassy
- Saffron
- Sage - Wise One
- Sahara
- Salem
- Salsa
- Salty - Calling all boat dogs
- Sammy
- Satin
- Sausage
- Savannah
- Savoy
- Scarlett
- Scoobie
- Scrappy
- Sequin
- Shadow
- Shamrock
- Shasta
- Sheba
- Sheena
- Shiloh
- Shiva
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Silky
- Skittles
- Sneakers
- Snickers
- Socks or Sox
- Sooner
- Sophie
- Spike
- Spinner
- Spirit
- Spooky
- Sprite
- Sprout
- Spunky
- Suni
- Sunshine
- Sushi
- Swampy
- Swizzle
T ~ Female Puppy Names
- Tacita
- Taffy
- Tahiti
- Talia - Dew from Heaven (Hebrew)
- Tamale
- Tango
- Tao
- Taro
- Tassel
- Tatters
- Tawny
- Tecla - Heavenly Fame
- Tempest
- Tequila
- Tess
- Thalia
- Thea
- Thimble
- Thistle
- Thumper
- Tiara
- Tiger Lily
- Tilly
- Tinker
- Tinkerbell
- Tinsel
- Tiny
- Tipsy
- Tizzy
- Tootsie
- Topaz
- Treble
- Tricky
- Trinity
- Trinket
- Trixie
- Trouble
- Truffles
- Tuesday
- Tulip
- Tutu
- Tweety
- Twinkle
- Tyne
U ~ Female Puppy Names
- Udo
- Ulra ~ Female Wolf (German)
- Ulima ~ Wise O
- Umber ~ A brownish color
- Una ~ United (Latin)
- Uma
- Urchin
- Ursa ~ Bear
- Uta ~ Rich person (German)ne (Arabic)
- Ulysses
V ~ Female Puppy Names
- Valda ~ One who rules (German)
- Valentine
- Valeska ~ Glorious Ruler (Slavic)
- Valkyrie ~ Goddess who watched over battlefields (Norse mythology)
- Vanilla
- Vanity
- Vanora ~ White wave (Welsh)
- Vedette ~ Guardian (Italian)
- Vega ~ Falling Star (Arabic)
- Veggie
- Velcro
- Velvet
- Venice ~ Italian canal city
- Ventura
- Venus
- Verona ~ Italian City
- Vesta ~ Goddess of the Home (Roman mythology)
- Virgo ~ Virgin
- Vista
- Vita ~ Life (Latin)
- Viva
- Vixen
W ~ Female Puppy Names
- Wacky
- Waddles
- Wags
- Wasabe
- Whimsy
- Whirlwind
- Whisper
- Whitney
- Willow
- Windy
- WonTon
- Wren
X ~ Female Puppy Names
- Xanadu
- Xena
- Xenia - Receptive and Open
Y ~ Female Puppy Names
- Yaffa - Very Pretty
- YaYa
- Yenta - A Jewish Gossip
- YoYo
- Yoko
- Yucca
- Yule
- Yuma
- Yummy
Z ~ Female Puppy Names
- Zada
- Zaire
- Zara
- Zelda
- Zephyr
- Zera
- Ziggy
- Zilla - A Shado
- Zipper
- Zita
- Ziti
- Zodiac
- Zoe
- Zombie
- Zona
- Zooey
- Zora
- Zsa Zsa
- Zuni
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