came into being as an idea to help people raise their pets. Founder, Jay Sean has been an avid dog lover and a reader all his life. While working at his corporate job, he was frequently asked to advise on pet keeping. He identified the knowledge gap and thought it would be a great idea to start putting this information in the public domain and involve other pet owners to share their experiences as well. started as an online community that told people the how tos and gotchas of raising pets in the Indian context.

Our mission

  • We enrich the unique relationship between people and family pets through our mindset, products and services.
  • We feed pets really well. For us, mindfulness is a tradition.
  • A great love of animals and a strong awareness of the sense and correctness of our own activities, enable us to develop premium quality dog and cat feed.
  • Always for the benefit of our family pets.

If you have any question please contact us  or Email-