Welcome to Dog Lover Site
Your Dog's name should be as different and interesting as the dog him/herself. Each dog has her/his own personality and thus should have a name that reflects her/his unique personality traits and physical characteristics. Our compilation of over 300 male dog names can help you to find the right name to hit the spot (yeah the one that makes his leg go round and round).
A ~ Male Puppy Names
- Abbot
- Abel
- Abner
- Achilles
- Action
- Aden
- Adonis ~ Handsome Greek
- Ahab ~ King of Israel
- Ajax
- Aldo
- Alfie
- Amigo ~ Friend
- Amos
- Angus
- Apollo ~ Greek God of the sun
- Archie
- Arty
- Asher ~ Happy one
- Astro
- Atlas
- Atom
- Atilla
- Austin
- Axel
B ~ Male Puppy Names
- Badger
- Bailey
- Baja
- Balboa
- Baldwin
- Bali
- Baloo
- Bandit
- Bandito
- Banjo
- Banzai
- Barclay
- Barlow
- Barnaby
- Barney
- Barnacle
- Baron
- Barton
- Basil ~ Royal
- Baxter ~ A baker
- Beamer
- Beans
- Bear
- Beaumont
- Belvedere
- Benji
- Benson
- Bentley
- Berkley
- Bishop
- Bijou
- Bixby
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bo
- Bogart
- Boomer
- Bora
- Brady
- Brando
- Brier
- Bruiser
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Buckley
- Buddy
- Bullet
- Buster
- Butch
C ~ Male Puppy Names
- Cactus
- Cadby
- Caderyn ~ Warrior King (Celtic)
- Cain ~ Son of Adam and Eve
- Cairo
- Cajun
- Calder
- Capone
- Carter
- Casey
- Cash
- Castro
- Cato ~ Knowledgeable and wise
- Chaim ~ Force of life
- Chance
- Chandler
- Chaos
- Charcoal
- Chase
- Chester
- Chief
- Chip
- Clark
- Clifford
- Cochise
- Congo
- Cosmo
- Crackers
- Crockett
D ~ Male Puppy Names
- Dagwood
- Dakota
- Dalton
- Damek
- Dane
- Darby
- DaVinci
- Deeogee (DOG)
- Dempsey
- Denver
- Derry ~ Red haired one
- DeSoto
- Dewey
- Dexter ~ Clever
- Dickens
- Digby
- Digger
- Digit
- Dino
- Ditka
- Dodger
- Domingo ~ Sunday (Spanish)
- Domino
- Duffy
- Dynamo
- Douglas
- Dozer
- Drake
- Drayton
- Dudley
- Duke
- Dusty
- Dutch
E ~ Male Puppy Names
- Eddy
- Edge
- Edison
- Egan
- Einstein
- Eli
- Elmer
- Elroy
- Elvis
- Emerson
- Emery
- Enzo
- Eros
- Ewing
- Exeter
F ~ Male Puppy Names
- Fajita
- Fandango
- Fang
- Fargo
- Farley
- Fedora
- Fellah
- Felix
- Fender
- Fenway
- Fidel
- Fiddler
- Fido
- Fizz
- Flash
- Fletch or Fletcher
- Fonzi
- Forrest
- Fortune
- Frisky
- Fudd
- Fulford
- Fury
G ~ Boy Puppy Names
- Gage
- Gandhi
- Ganges
- Gator
- Gecko
- Geekie
- Goofy
- Gipper
- Gladstone
- Grappa
- Griswold
- Groucho
- Grover
- Grumpy
- Guido
- Goober
- Gooch
- Grizwold
- Grizzly
- Gumby
- Gyro
H ~ Boy Puppy Names
- Hacket
- Hamlet
- Happy
- Hardy
- Harley
- Harpo
- Havock
- Hawkeye
- Hefty
- Hemingway
- Hercules
- Herbie
- Hershey or Hershi
- Hickory
- Hobbit
- Hobo
- Hogan
- Honcho
- Hooch
- Hoover
- Hunter
- Hyde
I ~ Boy Puppy Names
- Icarus
- Iggy
- Igor
- Inky
- Ivan
J ~ Boy Puppy Names
- Jackpot
- Jager
- Jake
- Jarman ~ A German (German)
- Jarvis
- Jasper
- Java
- Jed ~ Beloved by God (Hebrew)
- Jedi
- Jekyll
- Jerome
- Jerky
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jethro
- Jiffy
- Jigsaw
- Jiminy
- Jinx
- Joker
- Jonah
- Jordan
- Judah ~ Praised (Hebrew)
- Jude
- Judge
- Jungle
- Jupiter
- Justus ~ Patron Saint of Madrid
K ~ Boy Puppy Names
- Kabul ~ Capital of Afghanistan
- Kaedric
- Kafka ~ Czech Author
- Kahlua
- Kaiser
- Kamikaze
- Kane ~ Tribute (Irish)
- Karma
- Keane ~ Clever (Irish)
- Kedar ~ Mighty and Powerful (Arabic)
- Keepers
- Keller
- Keno
- Kemp
- Keo
- Kennedy
- Kenya
- Kibbles
- Kieran (Irish)
- Kilian ~ Patron Saint of Bavaria
- Kingston
- Kipling
- Kirby
- Kiva
- Knuckles
- Kodiak
- Kosmic
- Kosmo
L ~ Boy Puppy Names
- Ladd ~ Assistant (English)
- Lancelot
- Lane
- Laredo
- Laser
- Larson
- Lazarus
- Lennon
- Leo
- Leroy
- Levi
- Liberty
- Limbo
- Lobo
- Loco ~ Crazy (Spanish)
- Logan
- London
- Looney
- Lucky
- Luigi
- Luke
M ~ Male Puppy Names
- Mac
- Macbeth
- MacMillan
- Maddock ~ Good and Gererous (Welsh)
- Maddox
- Madrid
- Maestro ~ Teacher (Spanish)
- Magic
- Magneto or Magnet
- Magnum
- Mahatma ~ A Peaceful Man (India)
- Mahogany
- Majestic
- Major
- Mao
- Mako
- Mambo
- Marley
- Marmaduke
- Marmalade
- Martini
- Mason
- Mather
- Matzo
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximus
- Maxwell
- Mayhem
- McCoy
- Meatloaf
- Mercury
- Merlin
- Metro
- Midas
- Midnight
- Mikado
- Moby
- Mocha
- Mogul
- Mohawk
- MoJo
- Mongoose
- Monk
- Montague
- Montego
- Montgomery
- Monty
- Moose
- Mork
- Morrocco
- Morris
- Mortimer
- Murdock
- Murgatroyd
N ~ Male Puppy Names
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Navajo
- Navigator
- Nelson
- Nemo
- Neptune
- Nero
- Neutron
- Neville
- Newall
- Newt
- Newman
- Newton
- Nibbles
- Nibblet
- Nifty
- Nightmare
- Niko
- Ninja
- Nipper
- Nitro
- Noah
- Noble
- Nomad
- Nugget
- Nutmeg
O ~ Male Puppy Names
- Oakes
- Odyssey
- Ogden
- Oakie
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Olympus
- Omar
- Orbit
- Oreo
- Orion ~ Mighty Hunter (Greek Mythology)
- Orlando
- Osborne
- Oscar
- Othello
- Otis
- Otto
- Ouija
- Outlaw
- Ouzo
- Owen
- Oxford
- Oz
- Ozone
- Ozzy
P ~ Male Puppy Names
- Pablo ~ Small One (Spanish)
- Paco
- Palmer
- Panzer
- Parker
- Pasha
- Patches
- Patriot
- Paxton
- Pepper
- Peyote
- Phantom
- Pharroh
- Phoenix
- Piccolo
- Pickles
- Pickwick
- Piedmont
- Pinto
- Pirate
- Pluto
- Poet
- Pogo
- Pokey
- Pongo
- Porter ~ Guard of the Gate (French)
- Prescott
- Proctor ~ Governor (Latin)
- Proton
- Pudge
- Pygmy
Q ~ Male Puppy Names
- Quanto
- Quasi
- Quentin
- Quigly
- Quimbly
- Quincy ~ Estate of the 5th son. (French)
- Quinlan ~ Strong and of good shape (Irish)
- Quinn ~ Wise (Irish)
- Quirk
R ~ Male Puppy Names
- Radar
- Radcliff
- Raider
- Rainier
- Rambo
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Rasta
- Reagan
- Rebel
- Remington
- Remus
- Render
- Reno
- Renshaw
- Rex
- Rigby
- Riley
- Rocket
- Rollie
- Roman
- Romeo
- Rumulus
- Rookie
- Rory
- Roscoe
- Royce ~ A Prince (English)
- Rowdy
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Rupert
- Rush
- Rusty
S ~ Male Dog Names
- Saber
- Sadhu
- Saga
- Sage ~ Wise One
- Sailor
- Salsa
- Salty
- Salvador ~ Savior (Spanish)
- Sam
- Samson
- Sancho ~ Holy and Honest (Spanish)
- Santo ~Holy (Italian)
- Sargeant
- Sasquatch
- Saturn
- Sausage
- Savior
- Sawyer ~ The Wood Sawer (English)
- Saxon ~ Historical Germanic Tribe
- Scoobie
- Scooter
- Scout
- Scrappy
- Scruffy
- Scully
- Sentinel
- Seth
- Seymour
- Shadow
- Shepard or Shepherd
- Shiloh
- Sherman
- Shorty
- Sideways
- Silver
- Simon
- Sinbad
- Sirius ~ The Dog Star also Harry Potter's Godfather
- Sitka
- Skipper or Skippy
- Skooch
- Slate
- Sleepy
- Slim
- Smokey
- Sneakers
- Sneezer
- Snickers
- Socks or Sox
- Solo
- Solomon
- Sooner
- Spark
- Specs
- Speedy
- Spencer
- Spider
- Spike
- Spinner
- Spirit
- Spock
- Sport
- Sprout
- Spuds
- Spunky
- Sputnik
- Stoney
- Stormy
- Studly
- Sultan
- Sumo
- Sundown
- Swami
- Sylvester
T ~ Male Dog Names
- Tabasco
- Taffy
- Tag
- Taggart ~ Son of the Priest (Irish)
- Tango
- Tanner
- Tao
- Taro
- Tarrant
- Tatters
- Tattoo
- Taz
- Tazer
- Templeton
- Tequila
- Texas
- Thatcher
- Thor
- Thorn
- Thumper
- Thunder
- Thurston
- Tiny
- Tipsy
- Titan
- Titus
- Toby
- Togo
- Toto
- Trapper
- Tricky
- Trigg
- Tripp
- Trooper
- Truffles
- Tucker
- Tuffy
- Tugboat
- Tundra
- Tuxedo
- Tycoon
- Typhoon
U ~ Male Dog Names
- Udo
- Ulysses
- Upton
- Urban
- Urchin
- Uriah ~ Light of God (Hebrew)
- Ursa ~ Bear
V ~ Male Dog Names
- Vagabond
- Valdemar
- Valentino
- Valiant
- Valor
- Vaquero ~ Cowboy/Rancher (Spanish)
- Vegas
- Veggie
- Velcro
- Verdi
- Victor
- Viper
- Virgil
- Vulcan ~ God of Fire (Roman Mythology)
W ~ Male Dog Names
- Wacky
- Waddles
- Wadsworth
- Wags
- Waldo
- Walrus
- Warlock
- Warrior
- Wasabe
- Webber
- Webster ~ Weaver (English)
- Welby
- Wellington
- Whiskers
- Whiskey
- Wilbur
- Willoughby
- Wilson
- Whittaker
- Wimpy
- Windsor
- Winston
- Winter
- Winthrop
- Wisdom
- Wizard
- Woofers
- Wrangler
- Wrigley
- Wyatt
X ~ Male Dog Names
- Xanadu
- Xanthus
- Xavier
- Xenos
- Xerox
- Xerxes
- Xylon
Y ~ Male Dog Names
- Yahoo
- Yeager
- Yeoman ~ Attendant (English)
- Yeti ~ Sasquatch
- Yoda
- Yogi
- Yukon
- Yule
- Yuma
Z ~ Male Dog Names
- Zack
- Zale
- Zane
- Zared
- Zeb
- Zebu
- Zeke
- Zephyr
- Zephrys
- Zen
- Zeno
- Zeppo
- Zeus
- Ziv ~ Vogorous and Lively (Slavic)
- Zodiac
- Zombie
- Zooey
- Zooter
- Zorro
- Zulu
- Zuni
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