Let's start with the advantages
- The first advantage of European Doberman Pinscher contrary to popular belief is that they are actually friendly dogs. They are friendly and affectionate companions just like any other typical family dog breed.
- Next advantage is their loyalty, it's extraordinary. European Doberman Pinscher are great guards. There are great family dogs but most of all,they are extremely loyal to their owners and to their family, and they might not look cuddly like, I don't know, French Bulldog for example, but whenever they can, whenever you let them,they will love to snooze and cuddle in your lap with their head.
- Trained ability and intelligence is another big advantage of European Doberman Pinscher, and they are great at training and you can start training them as soon as you get your new Doberman puppy. Even at age of eight weeks, they are capable of learning how to respond to their name or how to sit. At the age of one year, European Doberman Pinscher can be trained to be well-behaved and obedient dogs, but they do need strong leader, and the leader must be you.
- As I mentioned earlier in the article, European Doberman Pinscher are great guards and I mean it. It's another advantage of European Doberman Pinscher; they are fast, strong, loyal and trainable. These are all important characteristics for guard dogs and protectors. Trust me, there is no escape for a burglar if there is a European Doberman Pinscher on your garden.
- The last important advantage I want to mention is their endurance; they are big athletes. They can go running or cycling with you for hours and they will be still ready for more. Dobies are tough dogs and they love exercising. So, if you are an active person, this might be the best dog for you. These were the most important advantages.
Let's take a look at some disadvantages of owning a European Doberman Pinscher.
- I said that European Doberman Pinscher are good family and friendly dogs, it's true. But when they are living with small kids or babies, well, they will be friendly towards them, they will like them definitely, butthere's a problem with that because Dobies can play a little bit rough. It's like they don't realize how strong and big they are and they are acting like hyperactivity Jack Russell Terrier when they are playing. So, they can harm the children without even realizing it. So, if there is a Dobby and small baby in the same room, you should be very careful.
- I mentioned their athleticism as an advantage,but it can be disadvantage as well because if you're an active person who is exercising with Doberman on daily basis, you will have the best dog in your home. But if you don't give them enough exercise,the Doberman will suffer... They will become bored and maybe even destructive. If the Doberman can't run, they can't be happy.
- Next disadvantage is that they are pretty expensive to buy and to maintenance. Doberman are big dogs, so they need more food,treats, space, toys than for example little dog like Pomeranian. It's common sense, right? They can cost few hundred dollars a month to keep them happy and healthy, but the cost is similar to other big dog breeds.
- Another double-edged disadvantage which is also advantage is their intelligence. Of course it's great to have intelligent dog,but having a dog of memory of European Doberman Pinscher because Doberman have one of the best memories can be disadvantage as well, especially if you are an experienced dog owner. Because if you fail training, if you teach something bad, if you show them how to behave wrongly or if you are rough to them or even hurt them, the Doberman will remember it probably forever and you don't want to raise Doberman that don't like you.
- And the last disadvantage is the Dobermans can spook easily. It might sound funny because European Doberman Pinscher are big and tough dogs, but they can spook easily and I know I said there are great guards,that is true, but you can oftentimes see shy or stressed European Doberman Pinscher. It's very unwise to do fast or quick, I don't know, unpredictable or even frightening moves in front of a Doberman because you can pullthem into stressful situation without even realizing it. Dobermans need some time to get used to people and especially to our body language. As you can see, European Doberman Pinscher are great dogs,they are just not for everyone. Tell me in the comments what is your opinion about European Doberman Pinscher.
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